作者介紹 蔡文明

1971 出生於台灣 ・ 新竹縣
1990 畢業於復興商工 美工科
1990 登泰設計 設計師
1993 福臣氏形象設計 藝術指導
1999 東岸互動科技有限公司 藝術總監
2000 臺北國際視覺設計競賽 標誌設計創作金獎
2004 瓦特設計公司 藝術總監
2013 創立文創品牌“有空 5mins“
2014 有空 5mins 創作展 / 陶作・藍染創作 / 宜蘭・臺北・桃園巡展
2015 漫時光 蔡文明創作展 / 陶作・藍染・圖像創作 / 臺北 田園城市藝文空間
2016 Jolly fin’s Odyssey 踏著銀河去旅行 / TAGBOT TOKYO DESIGN WEK東京設計師週
2017 貓星* 計劃中 / 蔡文明陶藝創作展 / 臺北 生活在他方
About the Author Tsai Wen-Ming

1971 Born in Hsinchu County, Taiwan
1990 Graduated from the Dept. of Fine Arts, Fu-Shin Commercial and Technical School
1990 Worked as a Designer at APEX Design Co., Ltd.
1993 Worked as an Art Director at CCIS (Cordial Corporate Identity System)
1999 Worked as a Chief Art Director at ECD Interactive Corporation
2000 Won the Gold Logo Design Award of Taipei International Visual Design
2004 Worked as a Chief Art Director at Watts Studio
2013 Created the cultural and creative brand “5mins”
2014 5mins Art Exhibition / Pottery Craft・Blue-Dyed Creation/Yilan・Taipei・Taoyuan
2015 Slow Hours Wen-Ming Tsai Art Exhibition/ Pottery Craft・Blue Dyed・Image Creation/ Taipei
2016 Jolly fin’s Odyssey / TAGBOT TOKYO DESIGN WEEK
2017 Cat Planet Lanch Wen-Ming Tsai Art Exhibition / Pottery Craft / Taipei